Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Zika Virus

Zika is a disease that is caused mostly by the bite of a specific mosquito. The Aedes species mosquito can become infected and spread the disease to humans. Within the past year, reports of Zika have been reported most commonly in Central and South America. Reports have also been documented in East Africa, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. Recently, the CDC has reported two areas within the United States that have seen cases of Zika infection. These two area in the United States are South Florida and Brownsville Texas. The CDC suggests that everyone living in or traveling to these countries and areas should seek guidance of prevention.
The transmission of Zika is primarily through a bug bite from the Aedes species mosquito. This is this is the same species of mosquito that can transmit the dengue and chikungunya viruses.These mosquitos lay eggs in standing water and typically bite during the day time. These mosquitoes become infected when they bite someone who is already infected; after a mosquito is infected, it can then spread the virus from person to person. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention’s website, Zika can also be transmitted through sex. Since the first large outbreak of Zika was in 2007, only ten years ago, many studies about the transmission of Zika are still underway.
The Zika virus can also be transmitted in a pregnant woman to her fetus. Being infected with Zika during pregnancy may cause a birth defect called Microcephaly. Mircrocephaly is when a baby’s head is smaller than it should be. This causes their brain to be smaller than expected and not develop properly. Along with Microcephaly, babies infected with Zika can develop Congenital Zika Syndrome. The syndrome is defined by five main features: severe microcephaly, brain damage, damage to the back of the eye, joints with limited motion, and restricted body movement. 
Once a person is infected with Zika, they may experience many symptoms of the virus, or no symptoms at all. The most common symptoms of Zika are: fevers, rashes, joint pain, conjunctivitis, headaches, and muscle pain. Symptoms only last for about a week. Most symptoms are so mild that many people do not know they were even infected. It is very rare for anyone to die of Zika.
The most important prevention tactic to avoid getting Zika is to avoid mosquito bites altogether. This involves using insect repellent, wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors, and controlling the mosquitoes surrounding your home. It is also important to educate yourself on where Zika outbreaks are occurring. If you plan to travel to any of these places, you will have to be aware of the threat. Lastly, it is helpful to protect yourself while having sex because Zika can be sexually transmitted. If you do all you can to prevent the virus, and still happen to contract Zika, you must consider others around you and protect them from it. There is no direct medicine or vaccine for Zika. If you are infected with Zika, all you can do is treat the symptoms and drink fluids.

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