Sunday, March 19, 2017

Potential Health Effects From Cell Phone Use
The use of cell phones has begun to become a concern to many people because the phones emit radiofrequency energy from their antennas. Tissues near the antenna can absorb this energy. These radio waves are a form of non-ionizing radiation. Radiation can be classified into two groups: ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. The difference between these two groups is
related to the wavelength and frequency of the radio waves. Ionizing radiation is high frequency and high energy. Exposure to ionizing radiation can be known to increase the risk of cancer. Two common ways to be exposed to this kind of radiation are by X-rays and ultraviolet light from things such as the sun and tanning beds. Ionizing radiation can damage internal tissues and organs. This type of radiation is far more dangerous than non-ionizing radiation. Non- ionizing radiation is low frequency and low energy. Currently, there is no evidence to show that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer at all. However, there are other potential threats to exposing ourselves to so much non-ionizing radiation. We expose ourselves to non-ionizing radiation almost everyday through cell phones, microwaves, televisions, radios, and more.
One of the biggest hazards that comes from cell phone radiofrequency energy is heating, for example, the way a microwave can heat food. The energy from the cell phone can heat the area that it is touching, like our hands and ears. Directions to cell phones actually tell you to hold the phone away from your ear. It is suggested that the cell phone should be held at least two inches from your head. It is actually recommended that you keep your phone away from your entire body as much as possible. A study published in 2012 stated that studies on people who had used cell phones for 10 years or more had a constant pattern of increased risk of getting cancerous brain tumors. These tumors were most commonly on the side of the head that they usually held their phone. However, another study from 2014 stated that cell phones were not linked to cancerous brain tumors at all. Much of the information published about cell phone usage is contradicting to other information published. For this reason, it has not yet been concretely decided whether or not cell phones are of any danger. Along with cell phone radiation comes radiation from Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi routers send and receive information through radio waves just like cell phones. This radiation is also suspected to promote tumor growth. This is dangerous because so many people spend huge amounts of time on a desktop computer near Wi-Fi routers. Although
these waves are not visible to the human eye, they are very real. These areas of high energy can be called electromagnetic fields. EMFs can cause light symptoms stress, fatigue, sleep disorders, rashes, muscle aches, and much more. However, they can also cause more serious problems like infertility and various types of cancer. You can protect yourself from these hazards by buying bio-electric shields to neutralize this energy. You can also do smaller things like unplugging appliances when they are not in use and keeping technological devices out of the room that you sleep in. Since cell phones, Wi-Fi, and technologies of that such are a generally new creation, none of the long term effects have been solidified yet.

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